Addictions & Habits (including Smoking, Alcohol & Drug taking)

Addictions and Habits (including Smoking, Alcohol & Drug Taking)

Addiction or habit? Good or bad? These are questions that often spark lively debates among professionals. Let's delve into this intriguing topic together. What truly distinguishes a habit from an addiction, and can they serve a purpose? Well, let's explore.

The NHS suggests that one can become negatively addicted to almost anything, including work, the internet, and shopping. But is that really the case? In my view, it's important to clarify that while a person can become so accustomed to a behaviour that it seems challenging to break, it doesn't necessarily equate to addiction. True addiction involves physical symptoms upon withdrawal such as with both legal and illegal drug taking, and many of these habits don't fit that bill

Let's consider smoking, for instance. Many individuals quit smoking without external support simply by making a firm decision to stop. However, those who do seek techniques like hypnotherapy, often find themselves free from smoking in just one or two sessions. Changing habits is not a 21-day process, as some may suggest.

The same holds true for habits like excessive shopping, internet use, sexual behaviours, or overworking. There are no physical withdrawal symptoms involved as such. What can be experienced are symptoms of anxiety and stress which can then be addressed. Rather, the "symptoms" are rooted in a need that these unhelpful behaviours fulfil. This need, perhaps something missing in a person's life, can be temporarily met by shopping, the internet, or whichever habit they've adopted. When someone decides to break this habit and replace it with a congruent, safe, ethical, and healthy pastime, such as daily exercise or embarking on a new hobby they are cultivating a new, positive habit. This is a remarkable transformation.

For people wanting to reduce alcohol or drugs, we work closely with your medical practitioner to reduce down at a safe level for you.

Changing habits is a journey that can be navigated with ease, especially through approaches like hypnotherapy and other effective mind tools. If you're interested in transforming a habit or seeking support on your journey, please feel free to contact me using the contact form below. Together, we can explore the path to a happier, healthier you.