Chronic/Longterm Pain Release

Chronic/Longterm Pain - Release

Many of my clients seek relief from pain, and it is immensely gratifying to witness their transformation. Whether they step into my therapy room or join a Zoom session, it's not uncommon for them to arrive with a pain rating, say 8/10, only to leave with significantly reduced discomfort, often at 2 or 3/10, or even a complete absence of pain at 0/10. These sessions conclude with newfound comfort and enhanced mobility.

In his illuminating work 'Phantoms In The Brain,' Professor V.S. Ramachandran MD, PhD, delves into the intricate workings of our neurology, shedding light on how our bodies perceive pain even when there's no apparent source, such as in cases of Phantom limb pain when a limb is missing. Similarly, psychiatrist Bessel Van Der Kolk, in his book 'The Body Keeps The Score,' elucidates how persistent pain or inflammation within the body can be linked to past physical or emotional traumas. Remarkably, these deep-seated discomforts can often be alleviated once we acknowledge their futility.

This intricate connection between the brain and the body can sometimes hold us captive, but it also empowers us to achieve remarkable and positive outcomes.

Here is a case study to illustrate the above.

Louise (not her real name), was referred to me as she had long-standing pain in her leg for three years and was now awaiting a surgical assessment for surgery on her spine to alleviate the problem. She also had painful and stiff hands and wrists due to rheumatoid arthritis. All of this negatively impacted her daily life and her relationship with her children.

Louise was a very giving person, always putting others before herself. She had also suffered abuse from a family member and found herself in relationships where abuse was also the norm. I explained how some people can revolve in repeating patterns, I also explained how they can stop this once they understand.

After the first session of hypnosis, the leg pain couldn’t be felt. Louise started to reduce her daily pain medication. After the second session, the nighttime leg pain had also gone, and she reduced the pain medication even further. It was in the third session that Louise mentioned arthritis in her hands and wrists. She showed me how stiff her fingers were and how she was unable to bend them fully. At the end of the session, she had not only comfort in both wrists and hands but was now able to bend her fingers and thumbs fully.

The results for Louise meant that her family relationship improved as did her general mood and attitude toward life. She could now consider going back to work and having hobbies again like crocheting which required dexterity in her hands. General housework was now also achievable and all because she chose to let go of the pain by fully engaging in the mind-change work that we did.

If you would like to know more about how you can release your pain, contact me and begin the start of your pain-free life.

Clinical study of Old pain 2 Go